Halqu e Adab is Kashmir’s oldest literary organisation established in 1957 by the literary stalwarts of Sonawari like Prof Mohi ud Din Hajini, Mohammad Ahsan Ahsan, Gulzar Hajini, Gh Hasan Taskeen and Ab Khaliq Bhat. The literary body, has elected Shakir Shafi as its president. He was one of the two persons who contested the election for leading the body. Shakir won with 47 votes as Ab Ahad Hajini emerged the runner up.
The other office bearers were elected unanimously by the members of the literary organisation.
Shiekh Ghulam Mohammad was elected Vice President, Dr Reyaz ul Hassan General Secretary, Suhail Farooq Treasurer, Sagar Sarfaraz as Librarian while as Azhar Hajini was elected Media Secretary of the organisation unopposed. Out of 94 votes Halqu e Adab has, 87 members casted their votes of which 81 votes were casted physically while as 6 votes were casted virtually.