Dr Shahzad Asim, The first young music scientist of India with Multiple PhD’s

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Srinagar: Dr Shahzad Asim the first gold medalist in the field of music. He is the man with scientific explanation for everything that one wonders, or even that one doesn’t even think about. He has already been recognized as a music scientist. After conducting many researches in the field of music and other subjects like philosophy and science.
He was persuing medical studies and during his studies he recognised his calling. He realised that his purpose is not be a medical doctor, but something which was related to music, yet not limited to it only thus with all the scientific knowledge and larger than a life vision Dr Asim set his journey to find the answers.
Dr Shahzad Asim said, “My theory proposes to be a comprehensive system fundamentally based on sound and thus can be called metaphysics or ontology of system and the system is named infinity wave system.
Energy and dynamics of these waves, to be described later in the book under preparation, have so far eluded human mind. Everything, physical and biological is linked to this idea of sound. Sound helps determine
all things in the universe.”
He added that his theory opens an entirely new vista on the universe that hasn’t been imagined though dimly hinted by certain sages and thinkers previously.
 He said while talking about the book said, “To fortify my research I am in the process of publishing it in form of full-fledged books, forwhich I have applied for getting ISBN from concerned organization. I can vouch with certainty that my research is and will make a revolution in thinking, application, and making of science.
Furthermore, it is and will be my constant endeavor to work in this field as I have devoted everything for it and for I am ready to clear the doubts if any in any one’s mind, at any forum or platform”.
Worth to mention Dr Shahzad’s research has been acknowledged andappreciated by many foreign Research Organizations, which notably include International Research Council Of Art , USA and International Research Council, Paris.
The journey of his research took him to the doors of many prominent Scholars, experts, and scientists connected with this field including of state and the country, further, prominent amongst them being our Late worthy President cum Scientist Mr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
The President not only appreciated his work, but encouraged and urged him to publish his research so that it will remain a reference and act as threshold in this field which is yet to be explored.
This was earlier published by RNA and re-published here in public interest 
with the intention of dissemination of information
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