Secretary Power & NRE Ravinder visits Igoo Martselang Hydel Project

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Leh, May 01: Secretary Power and New & Renewable Energy, Ravinder Kumar, today visited the 2X1.5 MW Igoo-Martselang Hydel Project to review the project status and proposed works in the State Plan (CAPEX) and ongoing SDP 2021.22.
He was accompanied by Chief Engineer, Distribution / Generation UT Ladakh, Chief Project Engineer Civil Wing, Superintending Engineer Distribution Circle, Executive Engineer and other departmental engineers and officers.
Secretary Power directed the Chief Project Engineer to construct a new bridge at the headworks of the Igoo-Martselang Hydel Project for which the proposal is already being prepared. He directed to strengthen the canal of the Igoo-Martselang Project so that the project gets maximum discharge for generation of power. He also directed to make available safety equipment like life jackets, inflatable swimming tubes, ropes and harnesses etc at the headworks for any contingency.
Later, the secretary visited the power house and reviewed the progress of the ongoing refurbishment works of the project. Executive Engineer, Igoo-Martselang Hydel Power Station said that the refurbishment works ongoing in the State Plan will enable full capacity utilization of the power station. He further said that at present one machine is closed for refurbishment and the second machine is generating 850 KW of power under the available discharge.
Secretary further stressed upon the offices to complete the works within the scheduled period and to ensure the quality of the works as well.
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